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Health & wellbeing blog by Ben.

Health & wellbeing

We all have health and wellbeing. As we take control and drive our way through life, it’s important to keep an eye on our dashboard: our mental health, physical health and our wellbeing.

Our mental health and physical health changes all the time – one day we can feel great but not the next. This is perfectly normal and the same for everyone. Our mental and physical health are linked and if something affects one of them, it can impact on the other. This is where our wellbeing comes in. Wellbeing is generally how comfortable, healthy or happy we are within our own lives. Wellbeing is unique to each person and can mean different things to different people. At Ben, we help people learn about, develop and manage each area of their own wellbeing.

Wellbeing is really important because it can give us the tools to cope with changes to our mental and physical health but if our wellbeing is good, it can also help protect our mental and physical health.

During recent years, we’ve all had to adjust to massive changes in our lives - both home and work. It’s been affecting us all in different ways. Our mental health, like our physical health, varies all the time. One day we feel down and the next we can feel happier or more positive.

Our mental health and physical health are linked and can affect each other. If we are stressed, our heart beats faster, we breathe harder and we can even experience pain, for example, like a headache. Looking after our mental health and wellbeing can help improve our physical health too. Equally, when we look after our physical health by staying active, eating or sleeping well, this also improves our mental health.

Ben, our industry charity, helps automotive people to navigate life and its challenges. They support people who need help with a wide range of issues – everyone is different. We all need a bit of extra support sometimes to help us get over those bumps in the road. If you’re worried about your physical health, mental health or concerned about your general wellbeing, Ben is here to help, especially during difficult times.

We’re here for you

If you’re struggling to cope, Ben is here for those who work, or have worked, in the automotive industry and their family dependents. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch - call 08081 311 333 or visit for more ways to get in touch. It’s free to get in touch with us if you work (or have worked) in the automotive industry, or you are dependent on someone who is.

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